Tag: Updates

2 Metres Closer to my Goals

4 WAYS TO ENSURE SUCCESS IN PRODUCING YOUR FIRST EVENT Have you often wondered, if there is any advice that will get me those extra

Daniel’s Story

By now we’ve seen how the power of speaking up and the importance of and using our voices. We’ve seen this exhibited through Black Lives

A letter from Anisa, founder of Beatfreeks – 3 things to know

Did you notice around the New Year how many people were steering away from ‘resolutions’ and talking more about focus words for the year? It may already be the second month of the year (after the longest January in the history of mankind), but our word for 2020 has been taking shape through our conversations.

That word is ‘streamlining’, and it underpins what we’re doing at Beatfreeks this year.

So, what are the results of our consultation and planning? All the best things come in threes, and so do these changes.

An Update On Our Heritage Work

We’ve been working with a young development group, established researchers and a heritage partner, in our aim to develop the thinking around our project.

Javaughn Forde


Sakshi Kumar

Visual Arts

The Rap Poet


Mohd Jayzuan


The Urbansong


Projects Prodets


Anika Christopher


Adjei Sun


Formal Educational Resources

Non-Formal Educational Resources