A few cheeky camera tips to get the best out of your smartphone.
Hello! I thought this blog I’d give out some of my favourite smartphone photography tips to maximize your phone camera’s potential.
Tip 1. The rule of thirds.
I love this one, it’s not so much a tip but a general rule for framing photography in general. If you can imagine your phone screen split with 4 intersecting lines. Two vertical and two horizontal equal space apart. The 4 points where the lines cross are your focal points. If you can line up your subject using those points – it adds balance to the image, making it much more aesthetically pleasing (or so the theory goes, remember always experiment!.) See picture below as an example:
Tip 2. Crop when needed, don’t zoom!
Ok, so this tip is a little techy, so I’ll try and run you through it briefly. The camera’s digital zoom function is essentially making up what is there when zooming in closer to a subject. However, when you crop, the camera has recorded all of what is possible to see as it has all of the pixel info, so when you publish it online you can allow for it to stretch a little bit bigger. Try it out and see.
Tip 3. Edit.
This is the one tip that may seem obvious, and you may think that you do it every time with a filter, however, editing > filters. Every day. All day. Firstly, there is only so many filters, where there is limitless ways you can edit your photo. Start with the my favourite two C’s; Colour and Contrast. Boost the saturation, remove all of the colour and go black and white or boost the red/yellow and get a warm glow. The choice is yours. My favourite app of all time for this is Snapseed. It offers loads of control and a really nice looking interface, but you can use apps such as Photoshop express as well. A few other of my favourites for wild effects are Tiny Planets and Reflections. Go play.
Last but not least..
Experiment, play and go wild. Your camera phone will take as many photographs as you allow it, get it out of your pocket and start capturing your day and night. The beauty of the phone camera now is that you can get great photos without holding all the kit and instantly share with your friends. The very best camera in the world is the one you have on you at the right time, so get to know it a little better!
insta: paulstringerartist