her heart was as cold as the other side of the pillow
she remembers days when they would spoon as a natural reaction to not being able to stand the thought of being apart
she lay lifeless as her hair was routinely stroked
crying silent tears into the pillow feeling numb
– both of there hearts had become shrapnel-
being on suicide watch for your girlfriend leaves little space for romantic spontaneous love
I love you
I don’t want to be alive anymore
You have so much to offer the world
I have nothing to live for
You are more amazing then you realize
I am worthless
Your worth isn’t measurable by material things
I cant do this anymore
Please don’t give up
They played table tennis with words of encouragement
She walk across the tightrope of being careful not to step into statements that were emotionally manipulative.
She wanted to scream at her,
I am drowning in your sadness and I don’t know how I can save us both.
But she didn’t.
She stroked her hair, she held her body as it shaked profusely and she kept reminding her not to give up
Broken people levitate to eachother
Their tears mix into a cocktail of systematic oppression and unshakeable sadness